Friday, January 6, 2012

Dear Noah

Dear Noah,

I'm writing these "letters" to you so that when you grow up, you can look back and see how much your dad and I love you (we love you sooooooooo much!) and so I can record important milestones, and not so important daily things you do that make me smile.

For anyone else reading, these are letters to my son, that's it. I'm not going to try to be entertaining, so if you get bored with my daily entries, sorry, but these really aren't for you anyway;).

Okay, right now you are two years, 5 months, and 10 days old, you are VERY much a two year old and all the good and the bad that comes with that. You LOVE baseball, my iPhone (especially the Fisher Price animal app that I have on it), buldozers, cars, and your sister Grace. Your favorite foods right now are bananas (those have been your favorite every since you were a little baby), peanut butter (especially peanut butter crackers), beans, and of course, candy or sweets of any kind.

The first thing you ask for in the morning is your "balahs" (vitamines), and I am constantly having to corral you away from your sister's food, even though she eats pretty much exactly what you do, of course, her plate always looks more yummy to you:).

You love playing tackle football with your dad on our bed after dinner. You absoltely cannot wait for your daddy to get home from work each day, and he thinks you are pretty awesome too.

I love watching you with your sister, you love her so much. Yesterday when I woke up I could hear you in your crib jumping up and down yelling, "Dee Dee! Hi! Hi Dee Dee!" (you call her Dee Dee), and the minute I get you two up and out of your cribs, you ask to play with her. You love giving her kisses and taking any and all toys from her (we're working on learning to share right now), and she loves you so much too, there are times she gives you bigger smiles and laughs than she does dad and me.

Well, that's it for now, you're sitting in Grace's high chair right now playing with my phone, your face covered in chocolate from a leftover chocolate covered marshmallow from Christmas:). I need to wash your face off and spend some time playing with you.

 I love you so much little guy, I didn't know what living really was until I met you!


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