Saturday, January 7, 2012

My Shaggy-haired Running Man.

Dear Noah,

So, your hair is getting pretty shaggy. It's over your ears and your bangs are past your eyes. You look adorably scruffy, I really do love it, but I'm not so sure how you feel about it. I actually don't think you care whether your hair is long or short. You have no concept of what looks cool, I'm pretty sure you'd think you look awesome if I shaved a stripe down the middle of your head:). I just wish I knew if your bangs were bothering you or not since they're always in your eyes. Your dad and I were just talking about getting some hair clips for you. I was actually contemplating making you some "boy-rettes", (hair clips with strips of leather, a Lego, or some sort of hardware on it to make it look masculine) your dad thinks I'm crazy:). Your dad really REALLY wants your hair to grow out long, and I really don't want your bangs to be in your eyes all the time. Since cutting your hair behind your dad's back is really not the best idea, I think we're going to go with the hair clips, and maybe some boy-rettes, just because I think they would be fun to make:).

My shaggy haired little man.
You were helping me make peppermint patties while eating a handful of M&Ms.

I had fun with you today. We went outside in the cul-de-sac and literally ran around for a while. Your dad and I had the best time watching you run. You would run, then take a little hop out of nowhere, and we would say to each other, making sure we were loud enough for you to hear, "Wow! Look at that kid over there, he's SO fast, and he can jump SO high!!!" to which you would respond with more running and hopping with a very "I'm so awesome" look on your face:). Hahaha! We had the best time.

You ARE so awesome.


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