Sunday, January 8, 2012

Fun at the mall.

Dear Noah,

One of your most often requests is that you want to "go play with kids". Since our house is so small right now, you really do not have enough room to run around and play like you should. We go outside when we can, but the weather is more often rainy, cold, or 100+ degrees outside, not to mention there is a  ravenous mosquito population around here that will swarm us the minute we step outside. Also, right now we only have one car, so the only time we can go places is on the weekend when your daddy is home.

Yesterday I went grocery shopping, so today we really didn't have much planned to do, and (since it was cold outside) and so we decided to take you and Grace to run around the play area at the mall. We told you that we were going to go play with kids, and you couldn't have been more excited (you ran straight to the door pointing and saying, "Go?! Play with the kids?!"). We dressed you in your skinny jeans your Aunt Aubrey and Uncle Sean gave you for Christmas, a t-shirt, and your favorite hat that your Aunt Ashley made you for Christmas. You looked super cute:).
You looking up at the big airplane hanging from the ceiling.

When we arrived, we went straight to the play area, took your shoes and socks off, and watched you take off. You were a little timid at first which is usually the case when you're around kids you don't know, but you soon got used to everything and were running around with a group of kids your age, climbing through tunnels, sliding down slides and running and jumping all over the place in no time. You were fascinated with the big colorful airplane that was hanging over head from the ceiling. I caught you and another little boy standing side by side both looking up and pointing at it:). The entire play area had a very soft and kind of bouncy floor, plus all of the play equipment felt like it was made of some squishy foam rubber, so you had a great time jumping and I had a great time not having to worry about you hurting yourself.

You played for probably an hour before your sister got hungry and cranky, so we had to pull you away from watching the kids jumping on big trampolines attached to giant bungee harnesses next to the play area, and grabbed some food at the food court. You, your dad, and I had pizza (something we don't normally eat, so it was a real treat for you) and you ate all of yours "like a lion" LOL! Grace had some meatballs, and both of you danced in your chairs to the very loud music they had playing. Watching you two dance is one of my very favorite things ever!

Here is a great example of your awesome dance moves.
Video taken Dec. 23rd. 2011

After lunch we took you by The American Cookie Company and got you a chocolate chip M&M cookie. We brought you around the corner from the food court and pointed to the cookies behind the glass case. When you saw them, your eyes got really wide and with an excited grin on your face you pointed and said in your deep caveman voice, "Coooooooookieeeeeeeee!" We headed back to the car, letting you walk beside us and wander a little. By the time we got to the car your hands and face were COVERED in chocolate and cookie crumbs. We buckled you into your car seat when you a HUGE laugh for no reason which I am sure was the result of a cookie high. When we arrived home, you and Grace took nice long naps since you were worn out from playing and right now you have finished dinner and are jumping on the couch showing Daddy how high you can get and how you can do "plips" (flips). Have I mentioned that you like to jump? Well you do, but that's another story for another day.

I had so much fun with you today, watching you play is one of the biggest joys of my life!


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